Standards and Policies
From health and safety to the way we respect the environment, the SeaKing Group aims to be ‘best in class’ at everything we do. Please take a moment to review our standards and policies.
Standards and Policies
From health and safety to the way we respect the environment, the SeaKing Group aims to be ‘best in class’ at everything we do. Please take a moment to review our standards and policies.

The company works to an Integrated Management System (IMS) which meets the requirements of International Standard ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018 which assists the company in maintaining high technical standards and a commitment to excellence in all management and administration tasks.
Significant quality, environmental and health & safety aspects shall be identified by carrying out regular internal reviews and audits.
The management team in conjunction with the individual process owners then agree appropriate objectives and targets that relate to the significant aspects that the organisation controls or has influence over. Progress against agreed objectives and targets shall then be presented for review at the regular management review meetings and any changes to the defined objectives and targets agreed.
The company’s policies therefore are:
- The Management team will show leadership and commitment and bear the responsibility for establishing, implementing, integrating, and maintaining an Integrated Management System (IMS) in a commitment to satisfy the requirements of the international standards ISO9001:2015, ISO14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018, and any other Client specific requirements, which assists the company in maintaining high technical standards and a commitment to excellence in all management and administration tasks.
- To consistently provide products and services in a manner which will satisfy Client requirements in all respects and strive to continually improve our services provided to Clients, using this IMS Policy, policy objectives, performance evaluation including audit results, corrective actions and at Management Review.
- To implement appropriate actions to address any risks and opportunities associated with internal / external issues, and to meet the needs and expectations of interested parties.
- To ensure all Company personnel are fully competent and will be trained to perform the duties required by their specific role within the organisation.
- Through direction and support, each employee will have a proper understanding of the importance of the Integrated Management System, their responsibility in contributing to its effectiveness and its direct relevance to the success of the organisation.
- To establish annual objectives at strategic and operational levels within the Company, which will be measured and reported upon at the management review meeting.
- To comply as a minimum with all applicable statutory and regulatory requirements.
- A commitment to the protection of the environment, including the prevention of pollution and a reduction in our carbon footprint.
- A commitment to provide safe working conditions for the prevention of injury and ill health.
- Continually improve and monitor environmental and H&S performance.
- Continually improve and reduce our environmental impacts.
- Incorporate environmental and H&S factors into our business decisions.
- A commitment to eliminate hazards and reduce OH&S risks, and including & consulting workers, and their representatives.
- To maintain documented information as objective evidence to demonstrate compliance with the Integrated Management System.
- To review the Integrated Management System at planned intervals to ensure it is effective and achieving the stated quality policy.
- To build a culture that is based on all employees and management ensuring quality, safety and the environment are the focus of every project.
The Directors are fully committed to the above and actively encourage a similar commitment by personnel at all levels of the Company.
This Policy Statement is evaluated as part of the overall yearly review of the Integrated Management System to ensure the stated objectives are met.
Seaking Electrical Ltd may ask for some personal details from its staff and Subcontractors. This ensures that we can contact you and take account of your Health and Safety.
In some cases were international travel is required a third-party clinic may retain details of medicals and inoculations.
Records of training and competence shall be maintained & updated. This data may be requested by a client as proof of competence in our workforce.
Seaking Electrical Ltd take our responsibility for looking after information seriously. We follow the Data Protection Act at all times when asking for or handling your information including:
- Personal data shall be processed fairly and lawfully
- Data is processed only for the purpose(s) for which is was collected
- Data is adequate, relevant and not excessive
- Data is not kept longer than necessary
- Data is kept secure against unauthorised access and loss or damage
Sometimes sensitive information may also be asked for e.g. health information. We will always ask for explicit consent before collecting and using this information.
On our website, cookies are used to collect numerical visitor data via Google analytics.
A copy of this statement will be brought to the attention of all employees and subcontractors.
Enquiry Form
From breakdowns to major refits, if you have a project you would like us to quote for, please get in touch using the form below and one of our team will be in touch shortly to discuss you exact requirements.